zoekt: 3 files / 3 matches / 0.23ms neogrok: 3 files / 3 matches

github.com/isker/neogroksrc/routes/(search-page)/lander.svelte 1 match | Svelte | №1

128 <li>129 <ExampleQuery query={'"run the test"'} />130 </li>

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-sourcegraph-indexserver/main_test.go 1 match | Go | №2

385 386 // Run the test387 got, err := getBoolFromEnvironmentVariables(tc.envVarNames, tc.defaultBool)

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektCONTRIBUTING.md 1 match | Markdown | №3

6 7 Before opening a pull request, make sure that you have run the tests locally:8 ```sh