zoekt: 45 files / 173 matches / 2.44ms neogrok: 20 files / 48 matches

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektread.go 2 matches | Go | №1

130 skipSection = true131 log.Printf("encountered unrecognized index section (%s), skipping over it", tag)132
676 rNgram = ngramToRunes(ngram)677 fmt.Printf("%d\t%q\n", ss.sz, string(rNgram[:]))678 }

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektmerge.go 1 match | Go | №2

85 86 log.Printf("finished shard %s: %d index bytes (overhead %3.1f)", fn, fi.Size(),87 float64(fi.Size())/float64(ib.ContentSize()+1))

github.com/isker/neogroksrc/routes/(search-page)/lander.svelte 2 matches | Svelte | №3

21 <li>22 <ExampleQuery query=".printf" />23 <span class="text-xs">dot is a wildcard</span>
25 <li>26 <ExampleQuery query="\.printf" />27 <span class="text-xs">escaped dot is a dot</span>

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindexdata.go 1 match | Go | №4

273 if err != nil {274 log.Printf("error reading newline index for document %d on shard %s: %v", i, d.file.Name(), err)275 continue

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/flags.go 1 match | Go | №5

38 name := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])39 fmt.Printf("%s version %q\n", name, zoekt.Version)40 os.Exit(0)

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektweb/server.go 2 matches | Go | №6

140 if err != nil {141 log.Printf("html template parse error: %v", err)142 t = template.Must(template.New("empty").Parse(""))
157 if err != nil {158 log.Printf("text template parse error: %v", err)159 t = texttemplate.Must(texttemplate.New("empty").Parse(""))

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektquery/parse.go 1 match | Go | №7

26 27 var _ = log.Printf28

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektbuild/ctags.go 4 matches | Go | №8

267 if m.currentDocStuckCount > 0 {268 log.Printf("symbol analysis for %s (size %d bytes) is done and found %d symbols", m.currentDocName, m.currentDocSize, len(entries))269 m.currentDocStuckCount = 0
294 m.mu.Lock()295 log.Printf("symbol analysis finished for shard statistics: duration=%v symbols=%d bytes=%d", now.Sub(m.start).Truncate(time.Second), m.totalSymbols, m.totalSize)296 m.mu.Unlock()
305 m.currentDocStuckCount++306 log.Printf("WARN: symbol analysis for %s (%d bytes) has been running for %v", m.currentDocName, m.currentDocSize, running)307 }
312 m.mu.Lock()313 log.Printf("DEBUG: symbol analysis still running for shard statistics: duration=%v symbols=%d bytes=%d", now.Sub(m.start).Truncate(time.Second), m.totalSymbols, m.totalSize)314 m.mu.Unlock()

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektshards/sched.go 2 matches | Go | №9

106 } else {107 log.Printf("ZOEKTSCHED=batchdiv=%d specified. Batch queue size 1/%d of %d.", batchdiv, batchdiv, capacity)108 }
118 } else {119 log.Printf("ZOEKTSCHED=interactiveseconds=%d specified. Search requests will move to batch queue after %d seconds.", interactiveseconds, interactiveseconds)120 }

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektquery/regexp.go 2 matches | Go | №10

62 if err != nil {63 log.Printf("failed to copy regexp `%s`: %v", re, err)64 return re
71 if err != nil {72 log.Printf("failed to parse regexp after uncapture `%s`: %v", r, err)73 return re

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektweb/snippets.go 2 matches | Go | №11

55 }); err != nil {56 log.Printf("fragment template: %v", err)57 return ""
84 if err != nil {85 log.Printf("url template: %v", err)86 return ""

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektbuild/builder.go 8 matches | Go | №12

420 // reindex content.421 log.Printf("warn: immutable field changed, requires re-index: %s", err)422 return IndexStateContent, fn
657 for tmp := range b.finishedShards {658 log.Printf("Builder.Finish %s", tmp)659 os.Remove(tmp)
780 }781 log.Printf("removing old shard file: %s", p)782 if err := os.Remove(p); err != nil {
965 if err != nil {966 log.Printf("ignoring universal:%s or scip:%s error: %v", b.opts.CTagsPath, b.opts.ScipCTagsPath, err)967 }
1005 1006 log.Printf("writing memory profile, allocated heap: %s", humanize.Bytes(m.HeapAlloc))1007 name := filepath.Join(b.opts.IndexDir, fmt.Sprintf("indexmemory.prof.%d", b.heapProfileNum))

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektshards/shards.go 6 matches | Go | №13

305 306 log.Printf("[INFO] loading %d shard(s): %s", len(keys), humanTruncateList(keys, 5))307
311 if time.Since(lastProgress) > 5*time.Second {312 log.Printf("[INFO] still need to load %d shards...", len(keys)-i)313 lastProgress = time.Now()
327 metricShardsLoadFailedTotal.Inc()328 log.Printf("[ERROR] reloading: %s, err %v ", key, err)329 return
898 if e := recover(); e != nil {899 log.Printf("[ERROR] crashed shard: %s: %#v, %s", s, e, debug.Stack())900
920 if r := recover(); r != nil {921 log.Printf("[ERROR] crashed shard: %s: %s, %s", s.String(), r, debug.Stack())922 sink <- shardListResult{

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektgitindex/tree.go 1 match | Go | №14

129 if err := rw.handleSubmodule(p, id, branch, subRepoVersions, ig); err != nil {130 log.Printf("submodule %s: ignoring error %v", p, err)131 }

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektgitindex/index.go 4 matches | Go | №15

429 if err := setTemplatesFromConfig(&opts.BuildOptions.RepositoryDescription, opts.RepoDir); err != nil {430 log.Printf("setTemplatesFromConfig(%s): %s", opts.RepoDir, err)431 }
475 if err != nil {476 log.Printf("delta build: falling back to normal build since delta build failed, repository=%q, err=%s", opts.BuildOptions.RepositoryDescription.Name, err)477 opts.BuildOptions.IsDelta = false
498 if err := SetTemplatesFromOrigin(&tpl, info.URL); err != nil {499 log.Printf("setTemplatesFromOrigin(%s, %s): %s", path, info.URL, err)500 }
544 545 log.Printf("attempting to index %d total files", totalFiles)546 for idx, name := range names {

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektshards/watcher.go 1 match | Go | №16

181 if len(toDrop) > 0 {182 log.Printf("[INFO] unloading %d shard(s): %s", len(toDrop), humanTruncateList(toDrop, 5))183 }

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindexfile_unix.go 1 match | Go | №17

49 if err := unix.Munmap(f.data); err != nil {50 log.Printf("WARN failed to Munmap %s: %v", f.name, err)51 }

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt/main.go 5 matches | Go | №18

42 if list {43 fmt.Printf("%s%s%s\n", r, f.FileName, addTabIfNonEmpty(f.Debug))44 continue
48 l := bytes.TrimSuffix(m.Line, []byte{'\n'})49 fmt.Printf("%s%s:%d:%s%s\n", r, f.FileName, m.LineNumber, l, addTabIfNonEmpty(f.Debug))50 }
83 }84 log.Printf("repo metadata: %#v", repo)85 log.Printf("index metadata: %#v", index)86 }
230 if *verbose {231 log.Printf("stats: %#v", sres.Stats)232 }

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektgitindex/clone.go 1 match | Go | №19

99 if err := setFetch(repoDest, "origin", "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"); err != nil {100 log.Printf("addFetch: %v", err)101 }

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcontentprovider.go 1 match | Go | №20

328 if !sort.IsSorted((sortByOffsetSlice)(ms)) {329 log.Printf("WARN: performance invariant violated. candidate matches are not sorted in fillContentChunkMatches. Report to developers.")330 sort.Sort((sortByOffsetSlice)(ms))