zoekt: 5 files / 8 matches / 1.24ms neogrok: 5 files / 8 matches

github.com/isker/neogroksrc/routes/syntax/+page.svelte 2 matches | Svelte | №1

150 Finally, note that the boolean logic described above applies to prefix151 expressions just like normal ones: <ExampleQuery query="-f:test assert" />152 shows matches for <Expression>/assert/</Expression> except for those in files153 whose names match <Expression>/test/</Expression>.

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektLICENSE 1 match | Text | №2

172 defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability173 incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason174 of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.

github.com/isker/neogrokyarn.lock 3 matches | YAML | №3

1394 1395 "assertion-error@npm:^1.1.0":1396 version: 1.1.01397 resolution: "assertion-error@npm:1.1.0"1398 checksum: 25456b2aa333250f01143968e02e4884a34588a8538fbbf65c91a637f1dbfb8069249133cd2f4e530f10f624d206a664e7df30207830b659e9f5298b00a4099b
1554 dependencies:1555 assertion-error: "npm:^1.1.0"1556 check-error: "npm:^1.0.3"

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektgrpc/protos/zoekt/webserver/v1/webserver_grpc.pb.go 1 match | Go | №4

15 16 // This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file17 // is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.

github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-sourcegraph-indexserver/protos/sourcegraph/zoekt/configuration/v1/configuration_grpc.pb.go 1 match | Go | №5

15 16 // This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file17 // is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.