zoekt: 87 files / 463 matches / 92.64ms neogrok: 20 files
99 matches github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt trace/trace.go 11 matches | Go | №1 42 if parent := TraceFromContext(ctx); parent != nil {
43 tr.LazyPrintf ("parent: %s", parent.family)
44 trace.family = parent.family + " > " + family
57 // LazyPrintf evaluates its arguments with fmt.Sprintf each time the
58 // /debug/requests page is rendered. Any memory referenced by a will be
59 // pinned until the trace is finished and later discarded.
60 func (t *Trace) LazyPrintf (format string, a ...interface{}) {
61 t.span.LogFields(Printf ("log", format, a...))
62 t.trace.LazyPrintf (format, a...)
63 }
Show 5 more matches github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt api.go 5 matches | Go | №2 144 var b strings.Builder
145 fmt.Fprintf (&b, "%s", what)
146 if raw != -1 {
147 fmt.Fprintf (&b, "(%s)", strconv.FormatFloat(raw, 'f', -1, 64))
148 }
149 fmt.Fprintf (&b, ":%.2f, ", computed)
150 m.Debug += b.String()
573 func (r RepositoryBranch) String() string {
574 return fmt.Sprintf ("%s@%s", r.Name, r.Version)
575 }
942 func (o *ListOptions) String() string {
943 return fmt.Sprintf ("%#v", o)
944 }
github.com/isker/neogrok yarn.lock 3 matches | YAML | №3 1350 dependencies:
1351 sprintf -js: "npm:~1.0.2"
1352 checksum: b2972c5c23c63df66bca144dbc65d180efa74f25f8fd9b7d9a0a6c88ae839db32df3d54770dcb6460cf840d232b60695d1a6b1053f599d84e73f7437087712de
4670 "sprintf -js@npm:~1.0.2":
4671 version: 1.0.3
4672 resolution: "sprintf -js@npm:1.0.3"
4673 checksum: ecadcfe4c771890140da5023d43e190b7566d9cf8b2d238600f31bec0fc653f328da4450eb04bd59a431771a8e9cc0e118f0aa3974b683a4981b4e07abc2a5bb
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt read.go 2 matches | Go | №4 130 skipSection = true
131 log.Printf ("encountered unrecognized index section (%s), skipping over it", tag)
676 rNgram = ngramToRunes(ngram)
677 fmt.Printf ("%d\t%q\n", ss.sz, string(rNgram[:]))
678 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt eval.go 1 match | Go | №5 97 if len(extFrags) > 0 {
98 pattern := fmt.Sprintf ("(?i)(%s)$", strings.Join(extFrags, "|"))
99 // inlined copy of query.regexpQuery
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt btree.go 4 matches | Go | №6 263 s := ""
264 s += fmt.Sprintf ("%+v", bt.opts)
265 bt.root.visit(func(n node) {
269 case *innerNode:
270 s += fmt.Sprintf ("[")
271 for _, key := range nd.keys {
272 s += fmt.Sprintf ("%d,", key)
273 }
274 s = s[:len(s)-1] // remove trailing comma
275 s += fmt.Sprintf ("]")
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt score.go 8 matches | Go | №7 79 if opts.DebugScore {
80 cs.debugScore = fmt.Sprintf ("%s, (line: %d)", bestScore.debugScore, bestLine)
81 }
99 if opts.DebugScore {
100 ls.debugScore = fmt.Sprintf ("tfScore:%.2f, ", score)
101 }
108 if s != 0 && opts.DebugScore {
109 what += fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%.2f, ", w, s)
110 }
161 addScore(fmt.Sprintf ("kind:%s:%s", language, si.Kind), scoreSymbolKind(language, filename, sym, symbolKind))
179 if opts.DebugScore {
180 what += fmt.Sprintf ("boost:%.2f, ", m.scoreWeight)
181 }
Show 3 more matches github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt merge.go 3 matches | Go | №8 44
45 dstName = filepath.Join(dstDir, fmt.Sprintf ("compound-%x_v%d.%05d.zoekt", hasher.Sum(nil), NextIndexFormatVersion, 0))
46 tmpName = dstName + ".tmp"
86 log.Printf ("finished shard %s: %d index bytes (overhead %3.1f)", fn, fi.Size(),
87 float64(fi.Size())/float64(ib.ContentSize()+1))
263 _, _ = io.WriteString(h, s)
264 return fmt.Sprintf ("%x", h.Sum(nil))
265 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt hititer.go 4 matches | Go | №9 44 func (i *distanceHitIterator) String() string {
45 return fmt.Sprintf ("dist(%d, %v, %v)", i.distance, i.i1, i.i2)
46 }
151 func (i *inMemoryIterator) String() string {
152 return fmt.Sprintf ("mem(%s):%v", i.what, i.postings)
153 }
195 func (i *compressedPostingIterator) String() string {
196 return fmt.Sprintf ("compressed(%s, %d, [%d bytes])", i.what, i._first, len(i.blob))
197 }
236 func (i *mergingIterator) String() string {
237 return fmt.Sprintf ("merge:%v", i.iters)
238 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt matchtree.go 13 matches | Go | №10 509 func (t *docMatchTree) String() string {
510 return fmt.Sprintf ("doc(%s)", t.reason)
511 }
513 func (t *andMatchTree) String() string {
514 return fmt.Sprintf ("and%v", t.children)
515 }
521 }
522 return fmt.Sprintf ("%sre(%s)", f, t.regexp)
523 }
529 }
530 return fmt.Sprintf ("%sword(%s)", f, t.word)
531 }
533 func (t *orMatchTree) String() string {
534 return fmt.Sprintf ("or%v", t.children)
535 }
Show 8 more matches github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt indexdata.go 3 matches | Go | №11 273 if err != nil {
274 log.Printf ("error reading newline index for document %d on shard %s: %v", i, d.file.Name(), err)
275 continue
289 func (d *indexData) String() string {
290 return fmt.Sprintf ("shard(%s)", d.file.Name())
291 }
383 func (r *ngramIterationResults) String() string {
384 return fmt.Sprintf ("wrapper(%v)", r.matchIterator)
385 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt matchiter.go 3 matches | Go | №12 87 func (t *noMatchTree) String() string {
88 return fmt.Sprintf ("not(%q)", t.Why)
89 }
110 func (m *candidateMatch) String() string {
111 return fmt.Sprintf ("%d:%d", m.file, m.runeOffset)
112 }
154 func (i *ngramDocIterator) String() string {
155 return fmt.Sprintf ("ngram(L=%d,R=%d,%v)", i.leftPad, i.rightPad, i.iter)
156 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt cmd/flags.go 1 match | Go | №13 38 name := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
39 fmt.Printf ("%s version %q\n", name, zoekt.Version)
40 os.Exit(0)
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt web/server.go 6 matches | Go | №14 62
63 return fmt.Sprintf ("%d%s", b, suffix)
64 },
68 }
69 return fmt.Sprintf ("...(%d bytes skipped)...%s", len(pre)-limit, pre[len(pre)-limit:])
70 },
74 }
75 return fmt.Sprintf ("%s...(%d bytes skipped)...", post[:limit], len(post)-limit)
76 },
140 if err != nil {
141 log.Printf ("html template parse error: %v", err)
142 t = template.Must(template.New("empty").Parse(""))
157 if err != nil {
158 log.Printf ("text template parse error: %v", err)
159 t = texttemplate.Must(texttemplate.New("empty").Parse(""))
Show 1 more match github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt query/query.go 20 matches | Go | №15 69 }
70 return fmt.Sprintf ("rawConfig:%s", strings.Join(s, "|"))
71 }
88 }
89 return fmt.Sprintf ("%sregex:%q", pref, syntaxutil.RegexpString(q.Regexp))
90 }
127 func (s *Symbol) String() string {
128 return fmt.Sprintf ("sym:%s", s.Expr)
129 }
162 func (q *Repo) String() string {
163 return fmt.Sprintf ("repo:%s", q.Regexp.String())
164 }
182 func (q *RepoRegexp) String() string {
183 return fmt.Sprintf ("reporegex:%q", q.Regexp.String())
184 }
Show 15 more matches github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt query/parse.go 2 matches | Go | №16 26
27 var _ = log.Printf
371 func (t *token) String() string {
372 return fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%q", tokNames[t.Type], t.Text)
373 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt build/ctags.go 4 matches | Go | №17 267 if m.currentDocStuckCount > 0 {
268 log.Printf ("symbol analysis for %s (size %d bytes) is done and found %d symbols", m.currentDocName, m.currentDocSize, len(entries))
269 m.currentDocStuckCount = 0
294 m.mu.Lock()
295 log.Printf ("symbol analysis finished for shard statistics: duration=%v symbols=%d bytes=%d", now.Sub(m.start).Truncate(time.Second), m.totalSymbols, m.totalSize)
296 m.mu.Unlock()
305 m.currentDocStuckCount++
306 log.Printf ("WARN: symbol analysis for %s (%d bytes) has been running for %v", m.currentDocName, m.currentDocSize, running)
307 }
312 m.mu.Lock()
313 log.Printf ("DEBUG: symbol analysis still running for shard statistics: duration=%v symbols=%d bytes=%d", now.Sub(m.start).Truncate(time.Second), m.totalSymbols, m.totalSize)
314 m.mu.Unlock()
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt indexbuilder.go 2 matches | Go | №18 428 if idx := bytes.IndexByte(doc.Content, 0); idx >= 0 {
429 doc.SkipReason = fmt.Sprintf ("binary content at byte offset %d", idx)
430 doc.Language = "binary"
593 }
594 return filepath.Join(indexDir, fmt.Sprintf ("%s_v%d.%05d.zoekt", prefix, version, n))
595 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt shards/sched.go 2 matches | Go | №19 106 } else {
107 log.Printf ("ZOEKTSCHED=batchdiv=%d specified. Batch queue size 1/%d of %d.", batchdiv, batchdiv, capacity)
108 }
118 } else {
119 log.Printf ("ZOEKTSCHED=interactiveseconds=%d specified. Search requests will move to batch queue after %d seconds.", interactiveseconds, interactiveseconds)
120 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekt query/regexp.go 2 matches | Go | №20 62 if err != nil {
63 log.Printf ("failed to copy regexp `%s`: %v", re, err)
64 return re
71 if err != nil {
72 log.Printf ("failed to parse regexp after uncapture `%s`: %v", r, err)
73 return re