zoekt: 88 files / 463 matches / 56.43ms neogrok: 20 files / 119 matches
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektinternal/trace/trace.go 11 matches | Go | №1
if parent := TraceFromContext(ctx); parent != nil {
43 tr.LazyPrintf("parent: %s", parent.family)
44 trace.family = parent.family + " > " + family
57 // LazyPrintf evaluates its arguments with fmt.Sprintf each time the
58 // /debug/requests page is rendered. Any memory referenced by a will be
59 // pinned until the trace is finished and later discarded.
60 func (t *Trace) LazyPrintf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
61 t.span.LogFields(Printf("log", format, a...))
62 t.trace.LazyPrintf(format, a...)
63 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektapi.go 5 matches | Go | №2
var b strings.Builder
144 fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s", what)
145 if raw != -1 {
146 fmt.Fprintf(&b, "(%s)", strconv.FormatFloat(raw, 'f', -1, 64))
147 }
148 fmt.Fprintf(&b, ":%.2f, ", computed)
149 m.Debug += b.String()
github.com/isker/neogrokyarn.lock 3 matches | YAML | №3
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/flags.go 1 match | Go | №4
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektweb/server.go 6 matches | Go | №5
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/read.go 2 matches | Go | №6
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/eval.go 1 match | Go | №7
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektquery/query.go 20 matches | Go | №8
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/btree.go 4 matches | Go | №9
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektquery/parse.go 2 matches | Go | №10
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/ctags.go 4 matches | Go | №11
if m.currentDocStuckCount > 0 {
268 log.Printf("symbol analysis for %s (size %d bytes) is done and found %d symbols", m.currentDocName, m.currentDocSize, len(entries))
269 m.currentDocStuckCount = 0
295 log.Printf("symbol analysis finished for shard statistics: duration=%v symbols=%d bytes=%d", now.Sub(m.start).Truncate(time.Second), m.totalSymbols, m.totalSize)
296 m.mu.Unlock()
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/score.go 8 matches | Go | №12
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/merge.go 3 matches | Go | №13
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektquery/regexp.go 2 matches | Go | №14
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektweb/snippets.go 2 matches | Go | №15
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/builder.go 17 matches | Go | №16
150 hasher.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%t", h.cTagsMustSucceed)))
151 hasher.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", h.sizeMax)))
152 hasher.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%q", h.largeFiles)))
153 hasher.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%t", h.disableCTags)))
155 return fmt.Sprintf("%x", hasher.Sum(nil))
156 }
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektindex/hititer.go 4 matches | Go | №17
func (i *distanceHitIterator) String() string {
47 return fmt.Sprintf("dist(%d, %v, %v)", i.distance, i.i1, i.i2)
48 }
func (i *inMemoryIterator) String() string {
154 return fmt.Sprintf("mem(%s):%v", i.what, i.postings)
155 }