zoekt: 7 files / 15 matches / 0.21ms neogrok: 7 files / 15 matches
github.com/isker/neogrokREADME.md 1 match | Markdown | №1
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektREADME.md 1 match | Markdown | №2
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektinternal/syntaxutil/README.md 1 match | Markdown | №3
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektdoc/query_syntax.md 2 matches | Markdown | №4
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektinternal/archive/index.go 1 match | Go | №5
github.com/isker/neogroksrc/routes/syntax/+page.svelte 6 matches | Svelte | №6
a file and in the <em>name</em> of the file:
130 <ExampleQuery query="README" /> matches both file names and file contents (though
131 the search engine tends to rank files containing file name matches higher than
136 <code>file:</code>, like <ExampleQuery query="file:README" />. (
137 <code>f:</code> is an equivalent abbreviation for <code>file:</code>).