zoekt: 43 files / 133 matches / 24.87ms neogrok: 20 files / 54 matches
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektapi.go 5 matches | Go | №1
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektgrpc/protos/zoekt/webserver/v1/webserver.pb.go 7 matches | Go | №2
EstimateDocCount bool `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=estimate_doc_count,json=estimateDocCount,proto3" json:"estimate_doc_count,omitempty"`
346 // Return the whole file.
347 Whole bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=whole,proto3" json:"whole,omitempty"`
348 // Maximum number of matches: skip all processing an index
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektgrpc/protos/zoekt/webserver/v1/webserver.proto 3 matches | Protocol Buffer | №3
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektLICENSE 3 matches | Text | №4
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
43 represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
44 of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
github.com/isker/neogrokLICENSE 1 match | Text | №5
github.com/isker/neogroksrc/routes/(search-page)/lander.svelte 1 match | Svelte | №6
github.com/sourcegraph/zoekteval.go 2 matches | Go | №7
github.com/isker/neogrokREADME.md 1 match | Markdown | №8
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektdoc/faq.md 1 match | Markdown | №9
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektapi_proto.go 4 matches | Go | №10
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektweb/server.go 1 match | Go | №11
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektshards/sched.go 1 match | Go | №12
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektshards/shards.go 1 match | Go | №13
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektweb/templates.go 7 matches | Go | №14
<dt><a href="search?q=needle+-hay">needle -hay</a></dt><dd>search for files with the word "needle" but not the word "hay"</dd>
165 <dt><a href="search?q=path+file:java">path file:java</a></dt><dd>search for the word "path" in files whose name contains "java"</dd>
166 <dt><a href="search?q=needle+lang%3Apython&num=50">needle lang:python</a></dt><dd>search for "needle" in Python source code</dd>
167 <dt><a href="search?q=f:%5C.c%24">f:\.c$</a></dt><dd>search for files whose name ends with ".c"</dd>
168 <dt><a href="search?q=path+-file:java">path -file:java</a></dt><dd>search for the word "path" excluding files whose name contains "java"</dd>
169 <dt><a href="search?q=foo.*bar">foo.*bar</a></dt><dd>search for the regular expression "foo.*bar"</dd>
<dt><a href="search?q=sym:data">sym:data</a></span></dt><dd>search for symbol definitions containing "data"</dd>
173 <dt><a href="search?q=phone+r:droid">phone r:droid</a></dt><dd>search for "phone" in repositories whose name contains "droid"</dd>
174 <dt><a href="search?q=phone+archived:no">phone archived:no</a></dt><dd>search for "phone" in repositories that are not archived</dd>
<dt><a href="search?q=phone+public:no">phone public:no</a></dt><dd>search for "phone" in repositories that are not public</dd>
177 <dt><a href="search?q=phone+b:master">phone b:master</a></dt><dd>for Git repos, find "phone" in files in branches whose name contains "master".</dd>
178 <dt><a href="search?q=phone+b:HEAD">phone b:HEAD</a></dt><dd>for Git repos, find "phone" in the default ('HEAD') branch.</dd>
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-webserver/main.go 2 matches | Go | №15
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-mirror-gitea/main.go 4 matches | Go | №16
deleteRepos := flag.Bool("delete", false, "delete missing repos")
61 namePattern := flag.String("name", "", "only clone repos whose name matches the given regexp.")
62 excludePattern := flag.String("exclude", "", "don't mirror repos whose names match this regexp.")
63 topics := topicsFlag{}
64 flag.Var(&topics, "topic", "only clone repos whose have one of given topics. You can add multiple topics by setting this more than once.")
65 excludeTopics := topicsFlag{}
66 flag.Var(&excludeTopics, "exclude_topic", "don't clone repos whose have one of given topics. You can add multiple topics by setting this more than once.")
67 noArchived := flag.Bool("no_archived", false, "mirror only projects that are not archived")
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-mirror-gerrit/main.go 2 matches | Go | №17
dest := flag.String("dest", "", "destination directory")
94 namePattern := flag.String("name", "", "only clone repos whose name matches the regexp.")
95 repoNameFormat := flag.String("repo-name-format", qualifiedRepoNameFormat, fmt.Sprintf("the format of the local repo name in zoekt (valid values: %s)", strings.Join(validRepoNameFormat, ", ")))
96 excludePattern := flag.String("exclude", "", "don't mirror repos whose names match this regexp.")
97 deleteRepos := flag.Bool("delete", false, "delete missing repos")
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-mirror-github/main.go 4 matches | Go | №18
deleteRepos := flag.Bool("delete", false, "delete missing repos")
65 namePattern := flag.String("name", "", "only clone repos whose name matches the given regexp.")
66 excludePattern := flag.String("exclude", "", "don't mirror repos whose names match this regexp.")
67 topics := topicsFlag{}
68 flag.Var(&topics, "topic", "only clone repos whose have one of given topics. You can add multiple topics by setting this more than once.")
69 excludeTopics := topicsFlag{}
70 flag.Var(&excludeTopics, "exclude_topic", "don't clone repos whose have one of given topics. You can add multiple topics by setting this more than once.")
71 noArchived := flag.Bool("no_archived", false, "mirror only projects that are not archived")
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-mirror-gitlab/main.go 2 matches | Go | №19
excludeUserRepos := flag.Bool("exclude_user", false, "exclude user repos")
51 namePattern := flag.String("name", "", "only clone repos whose name matches the given regexp.")
52 excludePattern := flag.String("exclude", "", "don't mirror repos whose names match this regexp.")
53 lastActivityAfter := flag.String("last_activity_after", "", "only mirror repos that have been active since this date (format: 2006-01-02).")
github.com/sourcegraph/zoektcmd/zoekt-mirror-gitiles/main.go 2 matches | Go | №20
dest := flag.String("dest", "", "destination directory")
40 namePattern := flag.String("name", "", "only clone repos whose name matches the regexp.")
41 excludePattern := flag.String("exclude", "", "don't mirror repos whose names match this regexp.")
42 hostType := flag.String("type", "gitiles", "which webserver to crawl. Choices: gitiles, cgit")